Diagnostic tests in Caserta

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Laboratorio Sanitario San Carlo in Caserta provides a wide range of services and diagnostic exams. Thanks to the presence of specialised personnel and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, we perform services in molecular biology and genetics, clinical chemistry and microbiology, as well as cytopathology, haematology and virology.

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Preparing for exams

For certain diagnostic tests, it is necessary to follow a special preparation and proceed with the collection of samples, to be delivered to Laboratorio Sanitario San Carlo in Caserta. 

By following the instructions for the special preparation, you can undergo urine examination for various requirements - urine culture, 24-hour urine for creatinine clearance, urine for cytological examination, urine for Chlamydia research - collection for stool examination, collection of seminal fluid for spermiogram or spermioculture.

  • Physician reporting diagnostic examinations

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  • Collection of biological samples

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Laboratory equipment

To perform the above-mentioned diagnostic examinations, Laboratorio Sanitario San Carlo in Caserta boasts more than 115 modern, state-of-the-art instruments and equipment, designed to meet patients' health needs quickly, effectively and reliably. 

Intending to offer only high-level services, we have always wanted to integrate the expertise and experience we have acquired in the field of automatic clinical chemistry and immunochemistry and haematology chains with state-of-the-art robotics and IT. 

Test tubes with samples, for example, are marked with barcode labels and inserted directly into the instruments, so that they are not manipulated by the operator and their integrity is preserved.

Rapid diagnostic tests with state-of-the-art instruments

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  • Microscope for laboratory examinations

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